📚 Precis

Example dummy data only

Curriculum Breakdown: Learning Objectives

Selection or entry

To be selected for this course a learner should be able to…

Day 1 of role

On day 1 of their new job, a junior should be able to…

Completing 6 months probation

After 6 months in the role, a permanent employee should be able to…

Curriculum Breakdown: Schedule of Learning


Logic, problems, and problem domains

  • 2 weeks, 20 GLH 🧶 🧶 GLH Guided Learning Hours , 40 IS 🧶 🧶 IS Independent Study


  • 3 weeks, 30 GLH, 60 IS


  • 2 weeks, 20 GLH, 40 IS

Curriculum Breakdown: Learner Experience

70 GLH 🧶 🧶 GLH Guided Learning Hours and 140 hours of IS 🧶 🧶 IS Independent Study

Guided Learning breakdown per week

  • Access to 2 hours of 1:1 office hours with an industry professional in a relevant field
  • Access to 3 hours group study sessions online, with TA support
  • 2-4 hours structured learning in person workshops delivered by industry professionals
  • 2-4 hours guided group working in person, flipped classroom model with TA support

Independent Study breakdown per week

  • 3 hours prep, primers and material developed with industry experts, for example see Distributed Systems Software Engineering by Laura Nolan, coauthor of sre.google.
  • Additional study materials curated by industry experts (books we like! Cool Hashicorp tutes!)
  • 12 hours well structured projects, completed on GitHub, code reviewed by industry professionals, and tracked via GitHub APIs
  • 1 hour Puzzles and fun tasks eg Codewars, The Bandit, tracked via API